Ramone Hamilton
Ramone Hamilton voices Coop, the enthusiastic and inventive leader, in Disney Junior’s animated comedy “The Chicken Squad.” The series follows Coop, Little Boo and Sweetie—a trio of young chicken siblings—and their trusted mentor, Captain Tully, a retired search and rescue dog, who team up on problem-solving adventures in their backyard to help their animal friends.
Hamilton’s on-screen credits include “Will & Grace,” “Hot in Cleveland,” “All Day and a Night,” “Devious Maids” and ABC’s “Modern Family.” His voice-over credits include “The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants,” “Summer Camp Island,” “Blaze and the Monster Machine” and “Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch.”
Hamilton began his career at age five when he recorded an anti-bullying album with jazz legend Patti Austin. Since then, he has performed at Walt Disney Concert Hall with the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles and in Las Vegas with Scorpio, a Michael Jackson tribute artist.
Born in Inglewood, California, Hamilton currently resides in Los Angeles.